Following on from a previous post where we explained what a recruitment consultancy actually does, here’s a bit more detail about search-based recruitment and why we’ve chosen to do it this way.
The recruitment industry as we know it today has benefitted from several technological advances that put us ahead of where the World’s First Recruitment Consultant was (newspaper classifieds, anyone?), but essentially the practice remains true to its origins, matching the right person with the right role. The way we play matchmaker at Alexander James is by using a search-based methodology.
We choose to use a search-based approach when recruiting candidates for roles because it reaches talent that would otherwise be missed by using reactive recruitment methods. General Manager, Toni Lea explains “at any one time, approximately 20% of talent is checking the typical job sites, i.e. Seek and TradeMe, so relying on posting a job ad and waiting for talent to come to you is counterproductive and results in only a 3% chance of successfully finding the right person for the role.”
We have spent the past decade developing and honing our search and head-hunting methodology and are true champions of this approach to recruitment, for these key reasons:
Another reason we champion the search-based recruitment model is because it allows for us to partner with you – clients and candidates alike – so that we can help get you to that next level of success, no matter what that might look like. When it’s done right, search-based recruitment means that we all can enjoy a true win/win scenario right now, and into the future.
Ngā mihi nui
(published for an on behalf of Tessa Phillips | Search Lead, AJ Construct)
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